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Were there 20 of you? Did I count right? Gabe is now as tall as Galit! And those fashion-shoot maidens, Wow! The photos have that lovely salt water and sun-soaked ambience! Glad to share the pleasure!

Love Mom


I actually ordered some of those. You and Galit look great -- all five of you do.


Now what about the Bar Mitzvah pictures??

Matthew Shirrell

Is that a "Shark Nerds" t-shirt on the little boy in the middle? (You know, based on the Far Side cartoon?) I used to have one of those.


These are the moments to treasure up. Beautiful family.

i bet you wish you were on ~some beach, some where~(referencing a country song, here)since Chicago looks to be as cold as the NEK- we've not been above zero for two or three days, now. We had -30 yesterday a.m. and -28 this a.m. Yup- a beach and spf30 would be so nice...

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