In another chapter of Life Meets Blogging, or Bloggers Meet in Life, a large group of us -- all five of my family, the Danny Miller family (complete with Kendall and Leah), and the Sue Miller family, minus her husband, who was on the road -- met at a great kosher restaurant just off Devon Avenue in Chicago and had a smashing time.
As Middle Daughter remarked, with some pride, "Only a kosher restaurant this small could be this loud." We all knew what she meant. There were 11 of us; Gabe got reacquainted with Spencer, but also met the love of his life -- a Ferrari parked across the street from the restaurant.
It's the third time I've met Danny, the second time I've met Kendall, and Leah, and Sue, and Spencer. We may not be related, but then again ...
If blogging offers nothing else, it offers new and improbable friendships.
(L to R: Sue Miller, Danny Miller, Spencer Tweedy, Leah Miller)
This dinner was definitely one of the highlights of our Chicago trip. Now my Chicago clan is all here for the west coast Wilco gigs and Spencer can't stop talking about how Gabe is the funniest kid on the planet. I'm still convinced that the Millers and Gottliebs were neighbors in the shtetl in a past life.
Posted by: Danny | August 28, 2007 at 01:14 PM