Someday, I'll be sorry I ever started this blog.
Somebody will dredge something up that will come back to haunt me. I'll have written a book, or an article, or I'll be teaching a class somewhere, and somebody will Google me, and they'll come up with this blog, and they'll go searching it for contradictory statements, outrageous beliefs, distorted facts, or phrases or ideas they can claim were plagiarized.
They'll look at all the photos of people and they'll sift all the personal information; they'll document all the "humor" and they'll use it to question my judgment, my sanity, my fitness for the position of _________.
Maybe I'll be in a car accident. Maybe I'll tap somebody's fender, and they'll stagger out of their car clutching their back. They'll take my name and insurance information, and they'll go home, get on their computer, and maybe somewhere in the almost 700 posts I've done to date, there rests some kind of info that's damning about my driving, or my judgment, or my eyesight, or God knows what.
I'm trying to figure out if I care. That is -- is it worth it to me to stop saying what I think in order to protect myself from such people?
I'm never going to run for public office, so what am I afraid of?
I'm afraid that there's no such thing as privacy anymore, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid there's no such thing as humor, opinion, a casual remark, or context. It's all out there, framed in a monitor, made visible through pixels, unchanging and seemingly neutral, so that it can in fact be distorted any which way.
Right now, I'm not sorry. But someday, if this blog vanishes, you'll know: I've declared myself a candidate for something, and in so doing, I'll have to erase any hint of sponteneity, irreverence or editorial slant.
If I want to be a somebody, I'll have to become a nobody.
Aw, fuck 'em.
I've often thought that if I ever ran for catcatcher, or whatever, it's my '60s "love" life that would come back to haunt me. But, y'know, so what?
Posted by: amba | August 31, 2007 at 01:22 AM
Yeah, I guess one has no choice but to feel that way. As long as one keeps one's feet and hands to oneself in the men's room.
Posted by: david | August 31, 2007 at 08:04 AM
I understand.
Posted by: Yogo | August 31, 2007 at 02:39 PM
have a cigar.
Posted by: perplexed | September 02, 2007 at 06:05 PM
Very well stated, but I agree with you sister's "aw, fuck 'em" comment. (And now I want to hear all about her '60s love life!)
Posted by: Danny | September 02, 2007 at 11:50 PM
You are who you are who you are. I figure if someone really wans the dirt on me, they'll find it one way or another - or make it up - blog or no blog.
Posted by: Alison | September 04, 2007 at 01:06 PM