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Richard Lawrence Cohen

A beautiful tribute, David. Good to see you back here.


My God, their MARRIAGE is old enough to get into the movies for half price!


Good to have you back, wise TA!
Mazal tov to your folks.


Best wishes to Ma and Pa, they help put the institution in marriage.


Great to see you back, and with a new focus, and mazel tov to your parents who have become like iconic characters to me. The only other people I know who stayed married long enough to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary were my great-grandparents, and they, like your parents, were true role models in the art of marriage. I'm celebrating my third anniversary this weekend and know that getting to 65 is no simple task! I would LOVE to see some of your mom's life-inspired watercolors if she and you were to consider sharing them with your blogging family.


I wish I could remember the name of the theologian I heard quoted recently. When asked after retirmenet what he'd learned, he said, "I used to say the most important life lesson was, 'You've GOT to love.' Now I know it's this: 'You GET to love.'"

I love that. Your post reminded me of it.

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