I've been tagged by Vikki. (Why, I oughtta...)
Which means I get to list 10 random things about me (why only 10? Everything about me is random).
This is rated G, for: Gross (some of it).
- I was in Israel in 1979, as part of a college singing group. We sang at the American ambassador's residence. Then-prime minister Menachem Begin was there. I sang a solo, and he asked to meet me. No one told me. Then he died. (Well, not right then.)
- I kept wondering, "Why are there ads for toenail-fungus medicine on TV? What, is there some national outbreak of toenail fungus?" Then I got it. Took that medicine, which worked (but you need blood tests during treatment to make sure the medicine isn't screwing up your liver). The fungus went away. Then it came back. My toes are bad enough as it is. But I'm rather fond of my liver, thank you.
- Toast with peanut butter: God's own comfort food.
- I have a unibrow (but I was asked to shave it during my acting days and never let it grow back).
- I still miss my cat, Woody (1981-1997).
- I have read neither War and Peace nor The Brothers Karamazov.
- Famous person I know best: Prince Albert of Monaco. College classmate, drinking buddy. One must work hard in his presence to avoid having a little too much fun.
- I've killed two animals in my life, a bird and my brother's pet mouse, both by accident. I still think about those events with horror.
- For a middle-aged guy with a few too many pounds on him, I'm still really flexible. It just hurts more.
- My favorite place to write: the coffee bar at the Borders at Lake Cook and Waukegan Roads in -- I don't know, some God-forsaken Chicago suburb.
And I tag:
Me True Ann-Sister
(I would tag Nappy, but I think she's retired; I miss her already)
Jewish Atheist
Guys: If you're still awake, and still speaking to me: Have at it.
Menachem Begin ASKED TO MEET YOU? Oy! Between that and getting to meet Princess Grace on the same tour, I think you should still be traveling the world raising your voice in song. What was the solo? Do you still sing much around the house? (As for being tagged, I'll consider it but as you can see I'd rather ASK 10 questions...)
Posted by: Danny | December 09, 2005 at 12:26 PM
Wow, the Begin story makes my "made a latte for Travolta" story seem trivial by comparison!
Posted by: Vikki | December 09, 2005 at 03:36 PM
Hey! I just saw this, David! I will immediately put my thinking cap on for random things about me. Thanks for thinking of me.
And I really miss Nappy 40. Sad, sad, sad.
Posted by: Tamar | December 10, 2005 at 07:10 AM
Great list, David, but someday you should really fix #6.
I'm going to avoid your tag by linking to a May, 2005 post of mine that listed ten things about me:
Posted by: Richard Lawrence Cohen | December 10, 2005 at 10:05 AM