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I love nothing more that the dead quiet of my neighborhood in the middle of the night. But I never get to hear it anymore, because my boyfriend has to sleep with the air purfier, basically a white noise machine, on. He claims he can't sleep without it because it's "too quiet."

Too quiet to sleep? I don't get it.



Like my wife, who needs a noise machine when sleeping near the ocean, because the sound of the waves unsettles her.

Under these conditions, she usually sets the sound machine to the "ocean" setting.

sail on

Stopping the noise and hurry is what I gained by living on a sailboat and wandering for 2 years. I try to explain to people how it changed me and the idiot-sounding phrase that always springs to my mind is: It put space inside me. On our boat we were out in nature so much of the time, most nights anchored in a bay or river. You're right, Bro - being in nature is the key to sanity and to knowing how poorly our stuff - as opposed to our experiences - fulfill us.


Very true, TA.


Just last night, I underlined this passage in the book I'm reading:
"I'm convinced we're born with a reverence for the natural world, and that such an affinity can be strengthened, maintained, corroded, or buried - like anything else in the world ... Without wilderness we ultimately compromise our ability to imagine further. Without wilderness, we ultimately become less human. Whether we like it or hate it or are indifferent is beside the point; we need it." ~ Rick Bass, A Texas Childhood (originally published in Doubletake magazine)

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