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I was thinking the same thing this morning. The one about the bank account is a good idea.


I know how you feel. After the last shaker here I finally ponied up for earthquake insurance. A grand a year (ouch!) but just silencing that nagging corner of my brain was worth it.

Tom Strong

Your update makes me think: how much effort is preparedness really worth? And I don't ask simply out of laziness.

There are some number of people in the U.S. who may be said to be adequately prepared for disaster. In addition to doing the things you recommend, they also: move out to the country and form homesteads; maintain emergency shelters underground for protection against anything up to a thermonuclear war; and subscribe to Backwoods Home magazine. I don't really want to live like that - do you?

Death and suffering are awful, and I agree that it makes sense to do what we can to avoid them. Yet at the same time, they are unavoidable; an aspect of every human life that we must all experience. There's only so far one can go in preparing for disaster without sacrificing all possibility of living in the moment. As someone who'd like to live as much of my life as possible fully alert to the present, I'm not sure how much disaster preparedness is worth to me.

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