When you step back, doesn't that seem like what this Administration is acting out? It's all so sad, really; they're trying to hold onto something that's already passed: the white man's empire. They're trying to turn the clock back to the days when women greeted them at the door after a hard day's work with a martini and a peck on the cheek, and the only people of color around were doing the gardening or the dishes.
So they institute this "Conservative agenda," which is at its core a sentimental desire to be in control, once again, of all they survey. They want to play golf and pinch secretaries on the butt -- all in good fun, none of that raunch we've all read too much about -- and see people like themselves in the halls of power.
This might even extend to wanting to return to the days when other parts of the world, rich in natural resources, could be controlled or intimidated.
It's very human, really, but in the least visionary way: efforts to hold onto the past are like an arrow being drawn back in the bow: soon, the tension will be too great, and the arrow will fly, angrily, into the future.
Of all they survey...
Posted by: nappy40 | July 21, 2005 at 11:35 AM
Right on, brotha. Wow.
Posted by: amba | July 21, 2005 at 01:31 PM